About The Bro Dad

My name is Dave Pidancet and I still can’t quite believe that I’m a stay-at-home dad.

I had a promising career in the aerospace industry, a calendar full of Uncle Rico sports leagues and happy hours to look forward to, and the frazzled, distracted, exhausted eyes of every working parent trying to have it all.

Now, things are different. I have a priceless and satisfying new career as a full-time father, a calendar full of doctors appointments, swim lessons and playdates to dread, and the frazzled, distracted, exhausted eyes of a bro whose only social interaction is with toddlers who scream at, headbutt, and threaten him.

Welcome to the world of The Bro Dad, husband to one Beast Wife, father to three sons (5, 3, and 0.1), and Breaker of Gender Stereotypes. I am redefining masculinity one swept floor, prepped meal, and wiped butt at a time.

Check out my published work, subscribe to the blog, and follow me on social media.

And most of all, don’t take yourself, or parenting, too seriously. I’m not.

My Favorite Blog Posts to Get You Started



SAHD Origin Story

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